【Cost Control】Save all the ink wasted by corrugated box machine!

  • PinLong
  • 2023/06/07
  • 181

Ink is the item that accounts for the largest cost of printing accessories for corrugated box machine. In the entire production process of corrugated box machine, ink consumption is divided into two processes: one is the ink used in the production and printing process of corrugated box machine; It is the ink consumed during the ink washing and inking process of the corrugated box printing machine.


1. The consumption in the production process is calculated according to the full version. When the number of lines of the screen roller of the corrugated box printing machine is 250 meshes, we first analyze the consumption process:


(1). Comparison of doctor blade ink supply system and rubber roller ink supply system


The doctor blade ink supply system is about -4.5 grams, and the rubber roller ink supply system is about 6 grams. Judging from the ink supply systems of the corrugated box machine, the consumption of the scraper ink supply system is lower than that of the rubber roller ink supply system by about 10%, so the scraper ink supply system is better than the rubber roller ink supply system.


(2). Under the same ink supply system, ink viscosity comparison


Taking the rubber roller ink supply system as an example, use the Tu 4# cup to measure the ink viscosity value. The ink viscosity is 20 seconds, and the ink consumption per square meter is about 4.6-5 grams; the ink viscosity is 13 seconds, and the ink consumption per square meter is about 13 seconds. The amount of ink used is about 4–4.3 grams.


From the analysis of the two data, ink with high viscosity consumes 10% more ink than ink with low viscosity. Therefore, from a process point of view, ink with low viscosity can save 20% of the total ink consumption.


According to the analysis of production efficiency, the higher the viscosity of the ink, the slower the printing speed, and the quality problems such as paste and unclear printing are prominent. Therefore, the high ink viscosity of the corrugated box printing machine will affect the production efficiency, quality, and cost.


2. Consumption in the process of cleaning ink and applying ink. Cleaning ink and applying ink are another item that wastes the most ink.


In the production process of corrugated box machine, the ink is washed 2-3 kilograms at a time, calculated according to the China market price of 20 yuan per kilogram, and the amount of washing ink per color is about 30-40 yuan each time, and cleaning 10 times a day is roughly 300-400 yuan , It costs about 10,000 yuan per month, and about 120,000 yuan per year, which is equivalent to the salary of a middle-level backbone for one year.


The ink cleaning and inking of the corrugated box printing machine are mainly operated manually. The improper operation of the control personnel and the reasonable arrangement of the order can save more than 80%, and the improvement of the process only accounts for 20% of the ink loss that can be saved.


Methods of cleaning and refilling ink by control personnel:


■When arranging production orders for corrugated box machine, the same color ink or similar inks will be given priority for production;


■The corrugated box printing machine produces light-colored ink. Before using the machine, drain the water or residual ink in the machine to avoid discoloration of the ink and cannot be used;


■Ink washing starts after ink backflow;


■Similar ink can be easily cleaned, reducing the ink washing time of corrugated box machine. The real efficiency improvement starts from rejecting waste, reducing ink consumption in the production process and upstream processes, solving problems from the source, and helping companies realize cost savings.

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